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    Women in Rural Areas doing Projects to earn a living

    Women in rural areas are doing different projects to earn a living. 
    In Ziweya Village,  chief Tandi in Rusape women are keeping goats , pigs and doing mikando for projects and burial societies. 

    Burial societies are helping women as they allow them to take credits and return money with interest depending on the amount of money someone borrows . 

    A Sunshine burial society members said that they give credits up to 30 USA dollars only because some will end up not paying and last time they gave 50 USA dollars as credit people failed to return and the interest ended up increasing. 

    The goal is to buy chairs and decorating equipment for hire , and building the garden so that when someone in the burial society or theor immediate families die they do not buy vegetables .They also give a member 100 USdollars cash to help with funerals.

    They also organized role of security officers whom they call mapurisa eburial who act as debt collectors they send to those who fail to return the money in time.

    Women who are raising orphaned children have mikando and they are given goats and pigs by an N.GO called Simukai which is helping them . 

    They took turns to have the goat in their homes until it delivered a kid and pass it to the other member , even when the  dies you will be considered as someone who has the kid because your time with the goat will be over .

    The pig is at one house were they take turns to feed everyday and two people share the day . When the pig gives birth they wait until they are a month old and share the piglets and three people per piglet , those who failed to have will be given in the next round when the pig gives birth .

    Anna Ruswa who is taking  care of the  project pig at her home which has 4 piglets says that Simukai has helped us to rise as we are doing mikando and  we have rised as our group members are taking credits of 100 US dollars per month. 

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