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    Rusape Farmers Recieve Irrigation Inputs

    Gutuza Irrigation has become a source agricultural products in Rusape since it's establishment in 2009, however the Irrigation has been affected by this year's drought as the dam is drying up. 
    Irrigation farmers of Gutuza irrigation were given paprika inputs which include seeds , sprayers and the market to sell the outputs when they are ready . 

    Speaking with Mrs Makaure who was organizing the event she said "This is our time to make profit as paprika does not require much water as the dam is drying we need crops like that."

    Mrs Makaure said that paprika is easy to grow and they are given market which means they don't have problem in selling and the prices are reasonable , they will both win and their  products will not perish in the fields.  

    They are also growing maize  , okra , beans,  potatoes and their market also increased as they are selling sweet potatoes which they say  have profit.

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