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    Armed Robbers strike in Chiware

    There has been a recent wave of robberies nationwide and a few cases in Rusape but its different when it hits close to home. 

    A businessman known as Madzibaba (  Prince Charles Musara,   38) who has a shop at Chiware growth point in Rusape was attacked by armed robbers  

    In an interview with Khanyisile news, Madzibaba who said the shop was robbed after 9 when they were asleep and the robbers  used the bolt cut to open the door .

    "The robbers took groceries,  crates of beer , 15 cartons of sugar and every stuff that was displayed on the shelves costing  around 800 USD after I calculated."said Madzibaba Charles . 

    Speaking with the wife Mai Musara who said that there were five men 3 inside the shop and others outside and taking the groceries to a white car which was waiting on the tarred road and they were armed with weapons.  

    "When I dropped the iron on the floor that's when they left  in a rush and I entered the shop when they were gone because I feared for my life."said Madzibaba .

    Speaking with Mr Mbiriri who has a shop at Chiware, he said that the robberies are increasing and he thinks that they are working with someone who knows the place very well and on the same Date they robbed  2 shops at Chiduku , Gonzo and Chiwetu .

    Small scale business owners in Rusape are living in fear as they don't know how aggressive the robbers are. 

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