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    Flee Markets and Tuckshops Becomes Retail Market Giants

    It is not a secret that it is not all honey and milk in Zimbabwe and since the recently declined RTGS Era to the now gold backed currency time, big supermarkets and boutiques are losing clients due to their pricing.

    The flee markets nd tuckshops are a major rise business in Rusape as they are selling cheaper groceries , shoes and clothes .

    Many people are rushing to tuckshops instead of supermarkets as the products are the same but the foreign currency rates in the supermarkets are too much.

    Speaking to this publication, Mrs Madziwa a tuckshop owner in Vengere Rusape, said that tuckshops are capturing the hearts of people because they  find different commodities in one shop from groceries to blankets at cheap prices. 

    Mr Makando, another shop owner said that they will be using one room with different commodities and the rent will be cheaper because they  will be sharing the shop.

    Vendors in ranks are complaining about vendors who are along the roads saying customers are no longer buying their products  and they say they raised a complain to the 
    Rusape town council and they are still waiting for a response. 

    However it is unfortunate that these tuckshops and flee markets do not have swiping services no do they accept credit cards. 

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