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    Women Encouraged To Work Hard

    Women affairs, community, small and medium Enterprises minister Monica Mutsvangwa urged Women to work hard,with determination so they would have equal respect and opportunities such as man.

    On Mutsvangwas behalf, Lillian Matsika of the ministry's gender policy planning and program management chief director, emphasis on the importance of recognition and celebration of women's success. 

    This was said during Women in PR and Communications Zimbabwe Conference and awards 2024 ceremony last Friday in Harare. 

    The importance of recognizing and honoring the contributions of women in public relations and communications cannot be overstated as the ministry will support all extraordinary women ",said mutsvangwa.

    In the 21st century, where information flows like lightning speed and messages can reach a global audience with a click of button, as women we have played very critical roles in communications being creative and bringing unique to the table",said Mutsvangwa.

    We need to inspire the new generation of girls and women to persue careers and break down barriers to take action speak up when facing challenges to create a world where all women are respected and recognized despite race and background.

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