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    Villagers recieve presidential inputs

    The residents under chief Tandi in Rusape rural areas received presidential inputs yesterday 

    Makoni district residents gathered at a hall which is in Ziweya village to collect the inputs.  The inputs were soybeans,  millet and beans.  

    Giving his speech on the gathering Headman Ziweya  said that people are grateful to the government for giving everyone inputs without selecting . Everyone received inputs without looking on which political parties they support .

    Headman Mheyamwa also said that the first group to receive the inputs were those who are less privileged,  widows,  orphans then the rest received after them, " We start by giving the less privileged because they have no one to rely on and that makes hard for them to survive." said Sadunhu Mheyamwa.

    The councilor for ward 16  Mr Chigwende said that the inputs are presidential inputs which are supposed to be given everyone so in order to maintain fairness he was also in the line to receive what others were receiving without favoritism .
    Mr Chigwende said that if the people with positions practice fairness it will reduce corruption, "In oder to have a fairness society as leaders we should led by example." he concluded. 

    People were happy to be given these inputs as they say they are fast to be harvested as they have 2 and 2 months lifespan . "We are happy to be given inputs such as millet which doesn't require lot of rain as this year the water is not raining but with this inputs we hope we are going to have Bamber harvest "said  Mrs Muwi one of the villagers.

    In rural areas the presidential inputs are enough for people to pledge their loyalty to the presiding president.  

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