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    Villagers at risk of acquiring water born diseases as they have no other safe water sources

    Rusape residents in Ziweya village are using and fetching water from unprotected sources due to the drought as all protected and safe sources are dry . 

    Speaking to this publication, Mrs Chanyandura, a villager said that they are fetching water from mifuku which are dug near dry rivers , and they are using water to drink because it is clean .

    "Our boreholes are Elephant  pumps,  so some of the boreholes were destroyed and people are throwing ropes  as to fetch water but the biggest problem is that it's not safe as you will end up  drowning in the borehole." said Chanyandura.

    Headman Ziweya said that for the hunger as for now we are still covered as our neighbor irrigation  ,farmers are selling maize for $8 dollars and those who does not have money can work for the farmers and get the maize and some still have maize from the previous years.  

    "Our main challenge now is  the water to drink and for domestic use which is leading villagers to use unclean water from nearby drying rivers which are left in the small dams and the water which is being drunk is not clean some can claim that it's clear by looking but animals both domestic and wild cattle and goats , baboons are also drinking from these wells because it's the only source of water is left in the whole village said." headman Ziweya.

    "The water is not safe also because people who fetch are different and handle things differently and sometimes children who are coming to fetch water end up putting their legs."added  Mr Ziweya.

    The villagers have been appealing to the political representatives for assistance,  community boreholes at least. 

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