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    Rusape River Mermaid strikes again

    In some parts of the country mermaids are just mythical creatures, but it's different when one is from Rusape. Mermaids are seen basking in the sun, they transform into beautiful women to lure men to the river and they swim up the river in broad daylight with humans witnessing this rare sight. 

    A 12 year old who was doing her grade seven at Chinyadza primary in Rusape was taken by a mermaid on the 12th of January this year while on her way from school. 

    A spectator of this accident Mr Madau who was in his garden near the river said he heard the screaming of other children because they were 3 and he rushed to the river were he saw the daughter being dragged deep into the waters and he dives into the river to rescue her ,"When I held her hand to pull her from the waters I started getting dragged downwards by something which was strong and I believed it was a mermaid and I let go the hand of the child " , said Madau.

    At  the exact spot were the child was taken there was rice , milk , gold and white clothes which we believed that people were practicing Manjuzu at that area ,said Mr Madau .

    On that exact day and time a child was also taken in Muvhimwa who was also a girl child doing grade seven at Muvhimwa primary. It would have been merely coincidental if the children were not of the same build and complexion. 

    People who were there when the dead body was taken from the river they say there were a lot of rice and cloths with different colors which they believe were of Manjuzu people .

     Ishe Mbiriri said that during rain season in Rusape 4 people will be taken by mermaid per year and in recent years it was taking males and people during rain season. He went on to warn people to reduce their visitation to the river .

    "Those who are seen practicing manjuzu will be arrested. Most of them are coming from other cities and I believe practicing manjuzu is angering the mermaids which are taking children as a price to those people." said Ishe mbiriri.

    Rusape residents are living in fear as they believe the mermaid is getting more aggressive. 

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