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    Pastor Donates school shoes and stationary to Children in need

    Church of Christ pastor gave shoes , books , socks , pens,  pencils and covers to need children,  orphans at St John's Matsvai Primary in Wedza . 

    The pastor is also drilling a borehole for the school to give school children clean water and the borehole is not yet complete but the project is in progressive. 

    He is helping as many children had no school shoes , some were wearing plastic slopes to school with no socks even in winter which led to children not concentrating  in class because of cold .

    Clean water was also a problem as the school has no safe source of water , the drilling of a borehole at school will also help nearby villagers and those teachers who stay in the school yard to have safe water which will prevent the spread of water borne diseases. 

    Mr Ringson of St John's  Matsvai Primary is grateful to Church of Christ for its effort and soft heart to help children in need and orphans. 

    It is a great disadvantage for children to come to school wearing slopes when others are wearing school shoes and it will affect children 

    In an interview with two  teachers at St John's, who requested this publication to withhold their names, they  were happy and opened up about how it's difficult in rural areas  to have money to buy stationary and how many children come to school empty-handed because they can not afford stationary. They both confirmed how happy they are  because their jobs will be successful without disturbances of having shortages of stationary.

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