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    Netone Zimbabwe Held A Clean Up Campaign

    ,Netone held a cleaning campaign in Harare on Friday.

    Netone is one of the three major mobile network operators in Zimbabwe along with Econet Wireless and telecel Zimbabwe. 

    Netone was established in 1996 and is state owned,  with the government of Zimbabwe holding a majority stake in company. 

    Netone offers a range of mobile services including voice , mobile data , mobile money ( one money) and mobile financial services.

    Netone workers were doing cleaning campaign on Friday in Harare as they were working with the theme ZERO TOLERANCE TO LITTER.

    They covered a wide range of space as they
    were picking , sweeping litter into bins and
    boxes and they were wearing white dust coats, blue hats and some had orange t-shirts to represent their brand .

    Simba Negore a netone worker said that they were working under a theme Zero tolerance to litter and as a company there were happy to set any example to many people not to litter in the city . Netone was working with other state controlled telecom companies like Netone and Potraz. Efforts to get statements from Potraz and Telone were fruitless. 

    Mrs Maunga from EMA said netone set any example and we are happy and hoping that citizens will keep on keeping our Harare city clean.

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