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    Hunters discover Historical sites in Rusape

    Local hunters find old graveyards were kings are  buried and rock paintings by San people in the caves in Rusape.

    The local hunters who hunts small animals like hare and mbira discovered local lost history of the way the kings were buried in ancient times.  

    The Graves are built by mad and gravity rocks and they are in the caves , the Graves are showing that kings were buried while they were sitting by their shapes . 

    Speaking with headman Ziweya who said that his grandfather said that they were told that the caves are sacred and they ancestors were buried there but only of the royal family.  

    In that same caves they are khoisan drawings which represents their way of life , Animals they hunt and how they survived.  

    The caves were being surrounded by the architecture of rocks which were built in form of Duracell and people believed that they were their as to protect the San from enemies and marking that it was thei territory. 

    Speaking with the locals who said the mountain long ago was considered sacred and many people go insane after visiting those caves and some disappeared and were not allowed to go in there .
    With a little effort by historians, the caves can become a historic monument. 

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