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    Thieves castrate donkeys

    Mr Mbiriri of Chiware shopping centre in Rusape woke up to find his donkeys missing private parts on Sunday morning

    Mr Mbiriri who has donkeys that were castrated said he woke up and found his donkeys missing private and  the wounds were still fresh indicating that that they were removed or taken that previous night.  

    Makoni, a shopkeeper residing who lives at Chiware shopping center said that he saw who took the private parts and he mentioned one of the business women in the area saying she is the one who send people as she need private parts to perform some of her rituals.  

    The story was taken to Rusape magistrate court were Makoni was brought in as a witness but he told the court that he is seven years old and he was disregarded as a witness as the court concluded he was not mentally sound.  

    The community people says that rituals are done as sometimes they see different things in the grave yards and recently they saw pots and fire which was extinguished and they concluded that someone was cooking sadza in the graveyard for rituals.

    Donkey's reproductive organs are associated with long life and prosperity as they are amazingly long. Farmers are now doing their very best to secure their donkey's kraals. 

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