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    Glen Norah Money Changer Jailed

    Glen Norah money changer jailed.

    Ishmael Munashe Sakonda (29) of Glennorah B was jailed for illegal changing of money .

    He was put before the Harare Magistrate court facing charges of contravening section 5(1)(a)(ii)of the Magistrates' Court facing charge ocontravening Section 5(1)(a)(ii) of the Exchange Control Act Chapter 22:05, as read with Section 4(1)(a) of the
    Exchange Regulations SI 109 of 1996 as amended by Section 2 of the Statutory
    nstrument 122A of 2017 and Section 3 and 4(2) of $1 245 of 2018 "dealing ir

    On the 29th of July the detectives received information that the accused person is illegal trading the foreign currency at Glennorah shopping center. 

    In disguise 2 days later the team of police officers approached the accused person in search of currency and he offered them $1 usd for zwg17 currency the rate of black market. 

    Sakonda gave one of the disguised police officers a bank card to swipe groceries in the nearby shop, after the purchase the accused person was given back his card and also received trap money of 20usd that was equivalent to the money that was swiped inside the supermarket and he was arrested immediately after the police officers has revealed their identities. 

    The accused person was sentenced to 6 months imprisonment,  3 months were suspended for 5 years . He will serve 3 months effective.

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